
Opening hours

Opening hours

Day Opening hours
Monday 07:00-22:00
Tuesday 07:00-22:00
Wednesday 07:00-22:00
Thursday 07:00-22:00
Friday 07:00-22:00
Saturday 11:00-18:00
Sunday 11:00-18:00

High Five staff on site

Monday 07:00-19:00
Tuesday 07:00-19:00
Wednesday 07:00-19:00
Thursday 07:00-19:00
Friday 07:00-19:00

*Once you’ve had your intake you can start booking Fitness Reservations. These slots will allow you to train by yourself. High Five coaches can be consulted by members for help and advice. Keep in mind that at some of the times shown above High Five staff can be busy with Intakes, Training Program appointments or hosting online classes and therefore not available for questions. Especially during the opening phase, their availability will be limited. Along the way when most members have had their intake their availability will get better.

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